Saturday, January 06, 2007

Harry Potter

We recently finished the first Harry Potter book with Owen. He loved it. I thought he was a little young, but Austin convinced me and he was right. Now we're into the second one. Over the last year we have also read six of the seven Chronicles of Narnia books to him, all of which he was totally into, and Alice in Wonderland, which I don't recommend. I can see why it might make a cute, slightly crazy Disney movie, but the book itself is full of jibberish. Lots of play on words, which he isn't old enough to grasp yet, and nonsense. Some of the nonsense was fun. Still not a great book. But we do love Harry Potter.


Usandthings said...

We really enjoy the Harry Potter series. When they first came out, I tried to hold out as long as possible; I was in high school, and too cool for things like that. But when I moved to SB, I took the first one with me, then read the next three in rapid succession. Vivian thought I was some weird book nerd! Which may be true. Anyway, I can't wait until the 7th book.

Anonymous said...

I know! I saw the poster at Borders and smiled...