I read the back of this book while in Costco, and it looked interesting. It said it was Jane Eyre-esque fiction. I liked
Jane Eyre, so I requested it from the library. (In case you care, the libraries here on the Central Coast are in a huge cooperative so if the book you want isn't at you're library, they'll ship it from Santa Barbara or Cambria or wherever.) Anyway, usually when I request a book, I get an e-mail in a couple days. It has been like two weeks, so I checked to make sure I really had ordered it and not just made it up. Turns out, there are 42 people in line a head of me. Forty-two people, at an average of two weeks a piece, that's almost two years. So, my question is, has anyone heard anything about this book? Should I just buy it?
I have never heard of it, but that certainly makes me want to read it!
Have you ever looked for used books online? I've bought books for as little as fifty cents, plus shipping. A book in such high demand is probably not going to be selling for fifty cents, of course, but still, it'd be worth a look.
Have you read the reviews on Amazon?
I saw a girl on the plane reading it and I wanted to ask her about it, but I didn't. Tower in Brea is going out of business and everything is 40% off. Do you want me to see if they have it? Maybe it could be a Christmas gift...
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