Am I the only one who's read this? I liked it better than the Twilight series, but I did think it had a Stranger than Fiction ending, which I'm not sure I liked. I think it was written that way to set it up for a sequel. (Sorry if that ruins it for you) Which is another thing: what's with the sequels? Time was a story could be contained within 250-300 pages or so. Now, probably because of J.K. Rowling, authors think they can keep the story going for books and books and books. Look, I've got better things to do than stress over your characters. Especially, if I thought I was going to say goodbye to them two novels ago.
Sometimes, I like it. Actually, most times, if I liked the story, I'm happy that I can keep living it in another form. But maybe, in some twisted way, I don't like it for the characters; I have anxiety for them. They've already had 300 pages of conflict and resolution, why put them through any more? Why not just let them have their happily ever after already?
Don't worry, Tyler's already pointed out that I don't actually have to read these sequels. Oh, but I do. He doesn't get it.
Sometimes, I like it. Actually, most times, if I liked the story, I'm happy that I can keep living it in another form. But maybe, in some twisted way, I don't like it for the characters; I have anxiety for them. They've already had 300 pages of conflict and resolution, why put them through any more? Why not just let them have their happily ever after already?
Don't worry, Tyler's already pointed out that I don't actually have to read these sequels. Oh, but I do. He doesn't get it.